Thursday, March 17, 2011


Wow looked out the balcony this morning when we arrived Huahine around 8:00 am and immediately saw a pod of dolphin, the water were calm and the island was just sitting there looking at us and asking us to come over to visit.
We had an early 8:15 Safari tour around the Island with 4 other people. Decided to do the Cultural thing today since we will have plenty of water activity to come.
This island was very different than Papeete, Huahine was very very clean and quaint it had excellent roads and beautiful scenery. We stopped at a vanilla growers home and saw how the vanilla is pollinated which is by the way done by humans not animal or insect. We also stopped to see human sacrificial area where the Polynesians sacrifice other tribe members and cook and eat them which was not that long ago in the early 1900’s. the guide described how they bashed them in the head with a sharp device drained the blood and the King would eat the brain and drink the blood, yuck good thing they stopped this. He also told us the cooked Captain Cook!
Stopped at a beach and the first thing I saw was a black tip shark he was small but feisty. Then we moved on to what I have been waiting to see and that was the sacred giant blue eyed eels at the village of Faie. We arrived in this village and stopped a narrow cross bridge and I thought really the eels are here? It was only about 2 foot of water and our guide jumped off the side with Mike to follow, no one else in the group had the courage to get in. As soon as our guide opened up a can of mackerel the all started to come out of the holes in the wall, it was like feeding the tarpon in Islamorada at Robbie’s, they were tame and even came up and gave the guide kisses. Mike and the guide feed them and by the end there were about 12 eels out. Cool spot.
We made a couple of other scenic stops and never saw a car go by, they have no crime at all on this island and everyone was very nice.

Back to the ship for lunch and sailed around 1:00 pm heading to Fakarava.

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